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Reference: BRX5R-IB-ST/SRB


BR-X5的特色將卓越設計與高級技術結合,是BR 05新一代,更加出眾;配備由著名機芯廠Kenissi 設計的BR-CAL.323機芯,使BR-X5達致更精確可靠。三明治式錶殼結構,輪廓分明,輕巧硬朗,備防水性能又不乏簡潔流線美感。


The design and technical characteristics of the BR-X5 make this model the next generation of BR 05 and position it as a superlative BR 05 : equipped with the BR-CAL.323 caliber, a prestigious manufacture movement designed by Kenissi, the new BR-X5 collection reaches new heights of precision. The architecture of its multi-component case allows for purity and radicalism, lightness, and resistance.

BELL & ROSS - BR-X5 - ICE BLUE - 41mm

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