Chronofighter Vintage 的靈感來自 1940 年代的軍用飛行員手錶。 與 Graham 的幾種型號一致,Chronofighter Vintage 具有獨特的觸發系統。
拇指操作的扳機位於錶殼的左側,使用起來非常直觀。 它的設計和位置便於快速操作計時功能,確保記錄的時間忠實地代表事件的持續時間。
通常,當手錶戴在左臂上並且佩戴者彎曲手腕時,錶殼右側的突起會劃傷手腕、擦傷皮膚或阻礙自由運動。 通過將錶冠和扳機系統置於錶殼左側,Chronofighter Vintage 佩戴起來就不會出現此類問題。
The Chronofighter Vintage was inspired by military pilots' watches of the 1940s. Consistent with several Graham models, the Chronofighter Vintage features the distinctive trigger system.
The thumb-operated trigger, positioned on the left flank of the case, proves highly intuitive to use. Its design and location facilitate quick operation of the chronograph functions, ensuring recorded times faithfully represent the duration of an event.
Often when a watch is worn on the left arm and the wearer flexes their wrist, the protrusions on the right flank of the case gouge the wrist, chafe the skin or inhibit free movement. By locating the crown and trigger system on the left side of the case, the Chronofighter Vintage can be worn free of such problems.
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